The Right-Hand Roadmap

The Right-Hand Roadmap is the only podcast for Seconds-In-Command of founder-led companies. I’m your host Megan Long, an award-winning executive & entrepreneur, pro athlete, and owner of Second First. Together we explore the unique world of being a #2 Leader in entrepreneurial companies. This is the place where we dive into the challenges, opportunities, and strategies that can help you excel in your role. Our mission is clear: to transform the relationships between entrepreneurs and, you, their Second-In-Command. We’ll cover a wide range of topics, from navigating your relationship with the founder to mastering the role through best practice knowledge, tools, and insights you need to thrive in your position. But this podcast isn’t just about learning; it’s also about being part of a community. This role is lonely and often misunderstood - together we’re stronger and supported in ways we can’t find within our companies or at home. If you’re ready to embark on a journey of growth, l...

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Tuesday Apr 16, 2024

Understanding the Impact of Going Dark on Your CEO. In this episode, we're pulling back the curtain on a common but often unspoken habit: the tendency for COOs and executives to disconnect from (or “ghost”) our CEOs. We know firsthand the challenges of navigating the fast-paced, world of reporting to an entrepreneur. But as crucial as it is for us to keep up with their pace, we sometimes find ourselves falling into the trap of “going dark,” whether due to our busy schedules or fear of burdening our CEOs with bad news. But here's the thing: communication breakdowns can lead to a whole host of issues, from duplicated work to frustrated team members. That's why in this episode, host Megan Long is sharing insights on why we ghost our bosses, the repercussions of doing so, and most importantly, practical strategies for fostering open communication and stronger relationships.  You'll hear all about: 01:07 – The common occurrence of COOs “going dark” on their CEOs. 01:20 – Characteristics of entrepreneurs and the challenges they pose for COOs. 02:32 – Communication breakdowns between COOs and CEOs, leading to COOs “going dark.” 04:43 – Exploring the fear-based response of COOs to shield their CEOs from negative news. 05:40 – Strategies for improving communication and preventing “going dark,” including regular updates and same-page meetings. Rate, review & follow on Apple Podcasts CLICK HERE TO LISTEN! OR WATCH ON YOUTUBE If you haven't already done so, follow the podcast to make sure you never miss a value-packed episode.

Tuesday Apr 09, 2024

Financial Strategies to Impress Your CEO and Contribute to Your Company's Bottom Line. In this episode we dive into some profit-adding financial moves that a Second-In-Command can make, even if they're not a CFO. Together we cover identifying and eliminating waste, renegotiating vendor contracts, and addressing revenue leakage. These strategies can help plug the holes in the financial bucket and pave the way for sustainable growth. By implementing these strategies, COOs can demonstrate their value and contribute to the financial well-being of their organizations.  You'll hear all about: 01:03 - The importance of auditing every expense line item to identify waste. 01:52 - Examples of areas where waste might occur, such as unused software licenses and unnecessary subscriptions. 02:28 - How and when to renegotiate vendor contracts to reduce costs. 03:26 - Addressing revenue leakage, including adjusting prices to cover credit card processing fees. 04:11 - Other areas of revenue leakage, such as inaccurate billing and late payment fees. Rate, review & follow on Apple Podcasts Click Here to Listen! Or Watch on Youtube If you haven't already done so, follow the podcast to make sure you never miss a value-packed episode.

Tuesday Apr 02, 2024

Navigating Burnout: Strategies for COOs and Second-in-Commands. In this insightful episode, we delve into the critical topic of avoiding burnout in the demanding role of a Second-In-Command. As COOs, our responsibilities often overwhelm us, leading to physical, mental, and emotional exhaustion. Host Megan Long shares her personal experiences with burnout and highlights the importance of prioritizing self-care. We explore the seven types of rest essential for maintaining our well-being and effectiveness in our roles. You'll hear all about: 01:16 - Megan's personal encounters with physical and mental burnout though her career, and its impact. 01:39 - Dispelling misconceptions about what "boundaries" mean and emphasizing self-care. 02:20 - An overview of the Seven Types of Rest 02:49 - Physical Rest: Beyond sleep, vital for preventing health issues. 03:41 - Mental Rest: Strategies for preserving mental resources. 04:13 - Emotional Rest: Validating emotions and fostering support systems. 04:58 - Social Rest: Curating positive connections and setting boundaries. 05:39 - Sensory Rest: Unplugging to reduce stimulation and rejuvenate. 06:04 - Creative Rest: Cultivating imagination and problem-solving skills. 06:31 - Spiritual Rest: Finding purpose and resilience. Rate, review & follow on Apple Podcasts Click Here to Listen! Or Watch on Youtube If you haven't already done so, follow the podcast to make sure you never miss a value-packed episode. Links mentioned in the episode: "What If There's More?: Finding Significance Beyond Success" by Traci Schubert Barrett

Tuesday Mar 26, 2024

The Power of Proximity in Habits & Success. Inspired by a favorite read, "Atomic Habits" by James Clear, we discuss the impact of our social environment on our habits and success: the close, the many, and the powerful. Clear discusses how we tend to mirror the habits of those around us, particularly the "close" individuals in our lives—the friends, family, and peers we interact with regularly. Studies even show that our habits are significantly influenced by the habits of our closest connections, regardless of physical distance. The phenomenon of rising or falling to the level of those around us is profound. We cover two fascinating studies - astronauts emerging from a single MIT class and the statistical likelihood you will follow the physical weight and body type of those closest to you. Our surroundings deeply impact our behaviors and identities. As a Second-In-Command, it’s crucial to curate your social environment intentionally. Seek out groups and communities that challenge you to grow both personally and professionally. Surround yourself with individuals who inspire you to be your best self. You'll hear all about: 00:23: The core message of "Atomic Habits" by James Clear, emphasizing the role of social circles in habit imitation. 01:06: Explore how proximity influences behavior and habits. 01:45: Two incredible studies on the ripple effect of habits within close-knit social circles. 02:25: Jim Rohn's famous quote and the profound effect of surrounding yourself with high-performing peers. 04:16: The importance of intentional community-building and finding sources of positive influence outside of the office. Rate, review & follow on Apple Podcasts Click Here to Listen! Or Watch on Youtube If you haven't already done so, follow the podcast to make sure you never miss a value-packed episode. Links mentioned in the episode: "Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones" by James Clear

Tuesday Mar 19, 2024

Executive Assistant vs. Chief Operating Officer: When to Make the Leap. In today's episode, we delve into a critical topic that often arises when scaling a small business: the distinction between hiring an Executive Assistant (EA) or a Chief Operating Officer (COO). This is a common conversation we have with founders navigating growth, especially as they pass the mid six to low seven figures in revenue. An Executive Assistant can be a fantastic Second-In-Command, adept at handling day-to-day operations and ensuring tasks are executed with precision. They excel at anticipating an entrepreneur's needs and are invaluable in keeping the CEO on track and on time. However, a COO operates on a larger scale, focusing on the strategic vision and long-term planning. They craft action plans and hold others accountable to meet overarching goals. Deciding when to transition from an EA to a COO depends on various factors - financial and strategic - that we cover in the episode. Conducting an "activity inventory," as suggested by Dan Sullivan, can be helpful in identifying what the true business need is. If you find yourself overwhelmed by strategy or lack clarity on execution steps to achieve your vision, it might be time to bring on a COO. You'll hear all about: 01:12: The multifaceted role of an Executive Assistant (EA) as a strategic partner and operational powerhouse. 02:16: The key differences between the scale and scope of operations for an EA versus a COO, emphasizing their complementary functions. 03:13: The differences in accountability—from an EA's individual performance to a COO's holistic responsibility for organizational success. 04:00: When is it time to transition from an EA to a COO? Including salary considerations and strategic needs. 05:09: How to implement an activity inventory to identify tasks for delegation, laying the groundwork for informing which position you need to fill. 05:26: Basic interview preparation tips, including researching the company and formulating intelligent questions. 06:44: The necessity of having questions for the interviewer and showcasing investment in the position. 07:06: Anticipating and preparing for questions about accountability, teamwork, and handling disagreements. 07:49: Addressing choice-based questions, aligning personal values with the company's ethos, and culture preservation. 08:24: Advising on preparing a loose plan for the first 30, 60, 90 days in the executive role. 09:21: Stressing the importance of observing, understanding, and building buy-in before implementing changes. Rate, review & follow on Apple Podcasts Click Here to Listen! Or Watch on Youtube If you haven't already done so, follow the podcast to make sure you never miss a value-packed episode. Links mentioned in the episode: Strategic Coach Delegation Exercise

Tuesday Mar 12, 2024

Mastering Executive Interviews: Tips for Aspiring Second-in-Commands. Interviewing for an executive role can be full of complicated dynamics and intricacies. If you're aiming for a new leadership position, host Megan Long shares invaluable advice and prepares you for the unexpected challenges that might come your way. With personal anecdotes and actionable insights, this episode covers everything from bizarre interview scenarios to the crucial follow-up process. Learn how to stand out, impress your interviewer, and confidently navigate questions about accountability, team dynamics, and strategic planning. You'll hear all about: 00:49: Preparing for unforeseen challenges and maintaining flexibility during executive interviews. 01:14: Megan's nightmare interview experience, and lessons learned. 03:18: The significance of thorough preparation and follow-up after an interview, sharing a personal success story. 04:35: Emphasizing the impact of post-interview follow-up and the role it played in securing a job offer. 05:13: The importance of making interviewers feel seen and special. 05:26: Basic interview preparation tips, including researching the company and formulating intelligent questions. 06:44: The necessity of having questions for the interviewer and showcasing investment in the position. 07:06: Anticipating and preparing for questions about accountability, teamwork, and handling disagreements. 07:49: Addressing choice-based questions, aligning personal values with the company's ethos, and culture preservation. 08:24: Advising on preparing a loose plan for the first 30, 60, 90 days in the executive role. 09:21: Stressing the importance of observing, understanding, and building buy-in before implementing changes.   And finally, we'd love to hear your personal Second-In-Command interview stories! Email your experiences to  Rate, review & follow on Apple Podcasts Click Here to Listen! Or Watch on Youtube If you haven't already done so, follow the podcast to make sure you never miss a value-packed episode. Links mentioned in the episode: "The First 90 Days, Updated and Expanded: Proven Strategies for Getting Up to Speed Faster and Smarter" by Michael D Watkins

Tuesday Mar 05, 2024

Boost Your Bottom Line: Generating Quick Revenue Injections for Small Businesses. Have you ever wished you could generate revenue into your business quickly - like, this month? Even if it's nonrecurring revenue, just have some extra cash injected into your business? There are creative and effective methods to inject immediate revenue into your small business. Host Megan Long explores creative approaches, from affiliate partnerships to hosting workshops, providing actionable insights for businesses looking to diversify income streams. Learn how leveraging vendor programs and optimizing existing client relationships can lead to quick financial gains. Whether considering price adjustments or exploring add-on services, this episode equips Seconds-In-Command of entrepreneurs with practical strategies to quickly add a boost to their bottom line. You'll hear all about: 00:57: Affiliate partnerships, and generating commission income from referring your favorite products.  01:15: How Second First leverages affiliate links in curated content, emphasizing the importance of recommending products or services genuinely used. 01:50: How to create custom partner programs with local small businesses. 02:34: Using in-person workshops or paid webinars as a fast revenue-generating tactic. 03:30: Encouraging businesses to explore vendor programs for rebates, incentives, and marketing funds, maximizing opportunities for financial support. 04:58: Insight into marketing development funds (MDF) and co-op funds, providing a budget for co-branded events with suppliers. 05:44: Identifying opportunities to add value to current clients and introducing new services for additional fees, including a personal case study. 07:11: The importance of periodic price adjustments & increases.  Rate, review & follow on Apple Podcasts Click Here to Listen! Or Watch on Youtube If you haven't already done so, follow the podcast to make sure you never miss a value-packed episode.

#8: Finding Your Flow Zone

Tuesday Feb 27, 2024

Tuesday Feb 27, 2024

Navigating the Flow Zone for COOs and Second-in-Commands. The "Flow Zone" refers to a psychological state where a person is fully immersed and focused on an activity - there's a sense of energized focus, complete involvement and enjoyment. It is often described as being "in the zone". In this episode, we take a deep dive on one of the flow characteristics Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi identified: the balance of skill level and challenge level. Flow greatly effects how a Second-In-Command functions in their role - we cover techniques to find and stay in flow as a leader. You'll hear all about: 00:29: Defining the flow zone and its relevance to COOs and leaders, emphasizing the importance of finding individualized approaches.  01:04: The eight characteristics of flow as defined by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. 02:02: The balance of skill level and challenge level, and how they affect flow. 04:20: A conversation to have with your founder to find more challenge in your role. 05:11: The non-linear path executives will experience in and out of flow. 05:42: Techniques to avoid distractions pulling you out of flow. Rate, review & follow on Apple Podcasts Click Here to Listen! Or Watch on Youtube If you haven't already done so, follow the podcast to make sure you never miss a value-packed episode. Links mentioned in the episode: "Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience" by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Tuesday Feb 20, 2024

The Winning Mindset: Athlete's Lessons for Corporate Leaders. In this episode of "The Right-Hand Roadmap," dive into the parallels between an athlete's mindset and corporate leadership. Host Megan Long, a former competitive bodybuilder turned entrepreneur, shares invaluable lessons from her journey as a pro athlete that seamlessly apply to the professional world. Discover practical insights on coachability, doing your best, longevity, preparation for the unexpected, visualization, discipline, embracing losses, time management, recovery, and the constant pursuit of improvement. You'll hear all about: 02:43: Recommend reads that draw connections between athletics and business, shedding light on common traits of winners.  03:37: Top lessons learned from being an athlete, starting with the importance of being coachable and leveraging mentorship. 04:56: The inevitability of unexpected challenges, and how control of the controllables applies to both athletics and business. 05:39: the effectiveness of visualization, with personal anecdotes from Megan's competitive bodybuilding journey. 06:51: The significance of discipline, setting a schedule, and the value of sticking to routines, especially in the absence of constant motivation. 07:49: Viewing losses as valuable feedback and how constructive criticism in business is akin to improving through athletic challenges. 08:15: Stressing the essence of time management and introducing Randy Zuckerberg's "pick three" rule for prioritization. 08:36: Recognizing the importance of recovery, drawing parallels between avoiding burnout in athletics and maintaining operational efficiency in business. 09:31: Embracing the idea that there's no finish line in personal and professional development, always room for improvement. Rate, review & follow on Apple Podcasts Click Here to Listen! Or Watch on Youtube If you haven't already done so, follow the podcast to make sure you never miss a value-packed episode. Links mentioned in the episode: "Elite Minds: How Winners Think Differently to Create a Competitive Edge and Maximize Success" by Dr. Stan Beecham HBR's 10 Must Reads on Mental Toughness "The Founder & The Force Multiplier: How Entrepreneurs and Executive Assistants Achieve More Together" by Adam Hergenrother & Hallie Warner Episode Five: Randy Zuckerberg's "Pick Three" Rule

Tuesday Feb 13, 2024

Navigating the Leap from Large Corporation to Small Business. In this episode, explore the transitional shift as a leader from big corporate to small businesses. Many small entrepreneurial businesses hire externally for executive roles, especially new positions that they add. This often means experienced candidates are coming from larger organizations, which means facing a sizable adjustment in culture and leadership style. Dive into the pros and cons, transition tips, and key considerations as a leader making this impactful move. Learn about compensation, career growth, flexibility, and the unique challenges and advantages of being a Second-In-Command in a smaller setting reporting directly to a founder. You'll hear all about: 00:29: An overview of the Pros and Cons of transitioning to a small business environment.  01:12: Explaining the differences in pay & benefits, and the unique compensation packages that you might find in small businesses. 02:21: Career growth and professional development opportunities in entrepreneurial settings. 03:43: Finding true flexibility in your leadership role. 04:42: Shedding corporate mindsets to adapt to entrepreneurial companies, and how old habits might hurt you. 06:22: Building for tomorrow, not for scale. 07:10: Adapting to the pace and speed of working for a founder in a small business environment. 08:16: The difference in budgeting cycles and decision-making. 08:34: The unique impact and meaningful leadership role in smaller businesses.  Rate, review & follow on Apple Podcasts CLICK HERE TO LISTEN! OR WATCH ON YOUTUBE If you haven't already done so, follow the podcast to make sure you never miss a value-packed episode.


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